It would all be much easier if they lived in Brooklyn.

Shlichus is rewarding – but not always easy. And when a shlichus family welcomes a child with special needs, medical challenges or a handicap, “not easy” can begin to feel impossible.

Our mission is to make their mission possible.

Yaldei was founded to help the Rebbe’s shluchim, the frontline soldiers who are bringing Moshiach closer every day.

We help fill any and all needs that may arise as families continue their shlichus of leading a community, raising a family – and caring for a special soul along the way.

“By supporting Yaldei’s families, you’re strengthening the Rebbe’s army.”

Chana Raichik, Shlucha, Upper Montgomery County, Maryland

Yaldei is here to help.

“They ease the burden of our incredible load.”

“From the day we first connected with Yaldei more than a decade ago, they eased the burden of our incredible load. It’s tough to raise a child with special needs when you’re so far from family or a frum community. It’s even harder when you have more than one child who may need support for their unique challenges.”

Rabbi Chaim Shaul Bruk, Shliach, Bozeman, Montana

No shliach should ever feel alone.

Working day and night for

one specific cause.

Meet just a small portion of the team powering Yaldei’s mission




Every interaction with Yaldei has been warm, welcoming, and empathetic.”

“From the day we first connected with Yaldei more than a decade ago, they eased the burden of our incredible load. It’s tough to raise a child with special needs when you’re so far from family or a frum community. It’s even harder when you have more than one child who may need support for their unique challenges.”

Chaya Perman, Shlucha, Caracas/Toronto

What’s important to you is important to Yaldei.

“Our children with and without special needs know that people care about them.”

“Having these resources has made our struggles easier. Our children with and without special needs know that people care about them. They are loved and special.”

Rabbi Chaim and Dina Lieberman, Shluchim, Lauderhill, Florida

Help Yaldei send light, warmth and peace of mind to our families.