
When a child with special, medical, or physical needs joins a shlichus family, so does Yaldei.

Yaldei helps shlichus families keep their balance – and focus.

Trying to juggle a family’s needs together with your community’s needs is already all-consuming. When you add the immense responsibility of caring for a child with additional needs, it can feel impossible to keep all the balls in the air.

Yaldei provides support in every area possible — from caring for the family’s emotional needs to financially assisting with medical and therapeutic support.

“Yaldei has been a ray of sunshine

Our responsibilities come with so much guilt – whatever we’re doing, we’re neglecting something else. Yaldei has been a ray of sunshine, lessening the burden of families who carry what feels like way too much. Thank you!

Aydla Vechter, Shlucha, Toronto

A network of people who understand.

There may be thousands of miles between shluchim and their fellow Yaldei families. But distance doesn’t matter. They can still connect with those who understand the impact a special child has on shlichus.

Service Coordination

Yaldei’s 24/6 hotline accepts calls around the clock. Case workers are ready to provide a listening ear and constant support whenever needed.

“I wasn’t sure if our situation was ‘serious enough,’ but Yaldei never made us feel bad about calling. It’s so clear that the team simply wants to do whatever they can to help.”

Parent Retreats

Yaldei takes care of everything including babysitters at home and at our 5-star retreats so shluchim receive much-needed respite and can return to their soul-filled work recharged.

“I have not spent such quality time with my husband, with the focus on our mental health for our children…in ever.”

Kinus Events

Yaldei runs breakout sessions and breakfasts at the Kinus that parents look forward to each year.

“The get-togethers in Crown Heights at Kinus time are very powerful. It’s helpful to have a safe space to connect with people sharing similar challenges.”

Supportive Community

WhatsApp groups for men and women are busy around the clock, for families to connect with others who understand.

“Not only do I know I’m not alone, but my perspective has completely shifted. I feel like I’m part of a special family. They’re also just a phone call away.”

This isn’t what most imagined when they packed up their bags to move on shlichus.

But that doesn’t mean the mission, vision, and family they had in mind isn’t still possible. Yaldei switches the narrative from “impossible” to “possible” and from “alone” to “never on our own” so shluchim can continue spreading the light of Yiddishkeit without the overshadowing worry.

“It feels like no one understands the intensity”

For six years, Yaldei and Rabbi Weiser have been a lifeline for our family. Yes, Chassidim are ‘ein mishpacha,’ but when you have a child with special needs on shlichus, it can feel like you’re completely isolated. It feels like no one understands the intensity of trying to keep up all the regular shlichus demands juggling the urgent needs of your special child. Yaldei had shown us that we’re not alone and enabled us to continue to care for our special child at home while also continuing our shlichus with our community.

Yaldei Family

A safety net holding you.

When there’s no local infrastructure to help your child, the role can feel like it’s taking over all the energy left. Yaldei steps in with whatever we can, so parents can focus on what matters most.

Patient Advocacy

Yaldei researches funding, grants, and programs available. Our expertise means shluchim get the support they need without feeling like they’re left to swim on their own.

“The difference Yaldei made to our lives is immeasurable. Having somewhere to turn for resources and support has enabled us to keep going.

Medical Supplies

When a child needs something specialized and specific, we’ll step in. Yaldei accesses top medical care, customized home modifications, suitable transport so children can thrive.

One of the biggest things Yaldei did for us was obtain a piece of equipment that allowed us to sleep at night undisturbed.”

Evaluations & Treatments

The cost of additional needs adds up quickly. Yaldei helps with the financial costs necessary for therapeutic and medical interventions so children can access every opportunity.

“We couldn’t afford the private therapies and our daughter’s progress stalled but once Yaldei stepped in, they covered the costs.”

Medical Health Fund

The worry, pressure, and stress take a toll. Before the impact reverberates back to the shluchim’s family, Yaldei helps fund therapy and counseling so parents have the tools to keep strong.

“We thought Yaldei was just for children with ‘severe’ special needs, so we felt alone in our struggle. We had no idea how to cope.

Parents, we’re here to help you.

How do I get in touch to discuss my situation?2024-08-07T13:14:31-04:00

If you’re on shlichus and think your child requires additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out so we can see how to fully support you. Visit our contact page and the Yaldei team will reach out.

We don’t want our parents or family to know we reached out.2024-08-07T13:14:07-04:00

Yaldei’s services are completely confidential. All information is discrete and only shared internally with your case worker and the Yaldei team.

Do you only provide financial assistance?2024-08-07T13:13:51-04:00

Not at all. At Yaldei we recognize the overwhelming toll your responsibilities take. We support you with retreats, a constant listening ear, support groups, and so much more so you have the strength to continue your vital mission.

Our shlichus isn’t so remote. There is some local infrastructure – can you still help us?2024-08-07T13:13:38-04:00

Shlichus is demanding no matter where you live. We support shluchim in far-flung communities and shluchim who may already have local provisions. Reach out and we’ll guide you to the best care and resources for your family.

I’m not sure if my child qualifies for your support.2024-08-07T13:13:23-04:00

No case is too trivial or extreme to qualify for Yaldei’s support. Contact us for a simple phone call – no pressure, no commitment – and let’s take it from there.

An extended family cheering you on

We know the constant responsibilities they’re managing. Yaldei is here, helping families acknowledge the special moments and celebrate the people in their lives.

Yom Tov Packages

Yomim Tovim carry added expenses and stress. Yaldei’s packages help Yom Tov become a reality with menuchas hanefesh and extra love.

“The first Pesach package right after our daughter was diagnosed was the biggest hug.

Birthday Presents

Yaldei sends personalized gifts and cards to the shluchim and their children on their birthdays so they feel seen and supported on their challenging journey.

“To this day, whenever I use the cozy blanket with the Yaldei logo it envelops me with a sense of caring and closeness.

Camp Scholarships

It’s memories of a lifetime, but when it costs so much to accommodate unique needs, not everyone can go. Yaldei’s summer scholarship fund goes towards the cost of camp so every child can enjoy a summer in the sun.

“It was nice knowing we were not alone, knowing that they are always there to help with the funds for critical therapies and things like camp.

Sibling Gifts

Yaldei sends birthday gifts and Yom Tov treats so instead of feeling like they’re less important, siblings feel celebrated for their role in the family.

“My children look forward to and appreciate knowing that their ‘sacrifices’ are acknowledged.

“There was someone I could trust.

I remember those early calls and feeling like there was someone I could trust, who has both the knowledge and our best interest at heart. The retreats, gifts and financial assistance are the difference between feeling alone, in a dark place, and feeling supported, in a hopeful place. Yaldei’s support means more than most will ever know.

Leah Wilhelm, Shlucha, Boulder, Colorado

They’re spreading light with an added level of personal sacrifice.

Help them carry out their mission – unhindered.

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